Within the area of the national park there are now 5 nature reserves, all ofwhich are well worth a visit. Especially the nature reserves Bjurkärr,Hunshult and Agnäs offer good hiking trails and information to make iteasier for visitors to find out in nature.
On the west side ofthe lake there are also two beautiful biotope protection areas atTrollberget south of Hulevik and at Klövhalla source in Slagestorp.
Entranceto the national park with parking space, toilets, weather construction,windshields, jetty and barbecue areas and signposted walking paths canbe found at
- Sunnabron in the eastern part of the nature reserve Bjurkärr
- Trollberget in the western part only 14km from Norraryds Camping by bike path
Bjurkärris a headland with an old beech forest in Lake Åsnen. The book forestis here very old - about 250 years - and has an unspoilt, primordialnature of a kind that is very rare in the country. In the forest manyunusual plants and animals thrive. Bjurkärr is known for its largevariety of lichens, fungi and insects. Bjurkärr is one of the mostvisited nature reserves in the county and very well prepared forreceiving visitors. Two marked hiking trails are available in the area,one of which is adapted for the disabled.
Thelargest part of Toftåsa marsh is a high bog, partly wooded. In 1945, aforest fire ravaged parts of the bog. The core of the area is a landmarkcalled Tranholmen, which lies in the bog west of Svartsjön. The tallforest on Tranholmen is primeval and very old, over 300 years. Beautifull path for walking.
Thenature reserve is an important part of the island's island world. Itstretches from Bergön in the west to Sirkön in the east, from Julö inthe north to Lövöarna in the south. Within the reserve there are almost200 islands, of which Bergön is the largest with its 70 hectares.
AgnäsNature Reserve is situated on a promontory that extends out to LakeÅsnen, southeast of Torne bridge along the eastern part of theJulöfjord. The reserve mainly comprises noble deciduous forest, but alsowater areas and small islands in Lake Åsnen.
Thenature reserve Hunshult is an area consisting of noble woodland, meadowfruit crops, marshes, pastures and lake located on the northernmostpart of Sirkön in the lake Åsnen. The area is adjacent to the naturereserve Bjurkärr.
In addition to the rules in Allemansrätten, you are not allowd to do any of the following in the nature reserves:
Full reservation regulations are available on signs at the reserve.
Source: Sweden's national parks, www.nationalparkasnen.se
More information and suggestions for activities: